Haven't made an update in a while, i don't really know why. I guess it's just how i am, i get attached to a project for like a week and then i forget that i ever even started it. To be honest i kinda hate myself for that, always starting new shit just to never actually like get awarded in a way for it, or idk.

So... what's new. I guess nothing much, imma probably get held back a year in school, so that kinda sucks but it is what it is a guess, i've already accepted that i'm kinda of a dumbass.

I don't know if i've already stated this somewhere but i'm actually from Latvia, the Baltics. I fricgin love being Latvian it's so cool. Wtf am i even writing lol.. egh who even cares it's not like anyone's gnna see this bullshit. I love typing and writing shit it's just such a cool feeling, and i feel so at peace aswell. Hmm, what can i more can i say about writing... Oh, i've restarted writing poetry and stuff, i mostly write in Latvian tho so idk if i'll post it in here, actually, on a second thought i've decided that if something i've created is good enough i'll post it here.

Why tf did i make a tutorial on ASCII art XD, it's kinda cool tho ngl.

Ok i don't really have much to say anymore, imma try to update more frequently again tho. Bye :)