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my button:

shwag buttons:
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Hello, welcome to my kickass website. Here you'll find a whole bunch of stuff about me. This is like my archive of shit i've made and done.

About Me

I like a bunch of shit - art, programming, skateboarding, photography. And that's just touching the tip of the iceberg.

Color - navy blue, yellow green, and ofcourse black

Music - fuuck, i don't wanna sound like a fucking asshole, but when i say that i listen to basically everything... i mean Everything. Sorry.

Music i like

  • ORBITAL - Belfast ok i don't think i will be able to add a description to every song here.
  • John Cameron - Liquid Sunshine Such a peaceful song. The humming voice just calms me down.
  • Stanley Myers - The First Time Another jazz song with non-word lyrics. Idk, i just like these songs.


    My Writing

    Cool links you should click on

    Update log

    03.04.24: Added a Layouts page

    27.03.24: Completely redesigned this website

    26.03.24: Added a article to Writing

    26.03.24: Added a guestbook

    25.03.24: Started making this website

